How can you not be here? It’s too hard to comprehend.
Friends since we were eleven, will our hearts ever mend?
Sixty years of friendship, Greycoat feels so long ago.
We’ve known you and loved you and watched each other grow.
We laughed and we were naughty, we always had such fun.
We went our separate ways and our own lives we spun.
But when we reunited, the bond was always there.
We had so much to tell and memories to share.
We’ve kept in touch and shared the good times and the low,
You’ll always be a part of us we’ll never let you go.
Jan Joo Linda Ann and Sally
24th August 2022
How can you not be here?Its too hard to comprehend.
Friends since we were eleven, will our hearts ever mend?
Sixty years of friendship, Greycoat feels so long ago.
We’ve known you and loved you and watched each other grow.
We laughed and we were naughty, we always had such fun.
We went our separate ways and our own lives we spun.
But when we reunited the bond was always there.
We had so much to tell and memories to share.
We’ve kept in touch and shared the good times and the low.
You’ll always be a part of us, we’ll never let you go.
Jan Joo Linda Ann Sally
24th August 2022
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Carol.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by NSPCC on 19/08/2022